ini cuppies utk kawan niza. theme: red. katanya nak sebijik mcm farah nye cuppies yg kaler oren itu. so ini lah hasilnya:
zoom in..
p/s: nak gi mydin nak cari telekung utk jannah, utk solat terawih nanti =) nape thn ni cik ayu sgt excited nak sambut ramadhan. sooo looking forward to it.. semoga segala peluang digunakan sebaiknya dan ibadah kita diredhaiNya.
a loving wife and a mother of adorable princess and prince, Jannah and Rayyan. an engineer by career. loves baking and decorating cupcakes, cakes, cookies etc. an amateur photographer and loves photo editing.
loves breastfeeding and certainly a lactivist!
"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see."
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