jd ini hasilnya! hope wani loves them as much as i do =)
zoom in..
jd ini hasilnya! hope wani loves them as much as i do =)
zoom in..
the cute thingy!
oh ya! dan sekeping berita.. (jgn pedulikan sama ada penjodoh bilangan yg saya guna betul atau tidak ok!)
i don't know whether this is bad or good news. i've been thinking on this for quite sometime. at this moment, i have to limit the order taken by CupcakesChek. why? cukup la kalau saya katakan, sbb budak seksi kat bawah ni perlukan perhatian yg lebih =)
i bought these flowers yesterday. these flowers are for my next project. bukan utk customer mana2.. tp utk eksperimen saya. nantikan hasilnya ok! (harap2 bukan satu lg projek tertangguh dr cik ayu.. huhu)
tp problem lain plak timbul.. which has caused a real bottleneck!
oven cik ayu tak cukup besar! tau la kan, english cookies nih size nye besar sket, satu tray oven cik ayu tu just muat 6 keping jek tau.. huuiisshh..
order erin dlm entry sebelum nih buat cik ayu pikir sedalam2 nya ~ i need to debottleneck! cik ayu kena beli oven yg lg besar! or seek for a kitchen incubator perhaps?
p/s: pd yg pernah tanya cik ayu pakai oven apa ~ SHARP Model EO18K - rasa cam dah obsolete jek model nih.. haha..
red red - pakcik wilton
violet - pakcik wilton juga..
teal - lg dr pakcik wilton
all wrapped individually in a clear plastic treat bag
p/s: erin ni cik andam tau! ada bisnes pengantin sendiri.. caya la dik! =)
polka dot
corak ape ni ek? hubby kata it looks like ikan koi mcm dlm chinese caligraphy pics kan! to ainey, hopefully your family will love the cookies =)
entry pendek jek utk hari ni ya! lepas kelas td saya ajak hubby singgah di sugarflours kat bangi tuh. dan cik ayu beli benda ni.
hmm.. sebenarnya barang yg cik ayu cari takde.. agak sedih sikit =(
p/s: nantikan ape yg cik ayu nak buat ngan tools ni ok!
'A' for 'Ainey'
'R' for ??? hehe.. ni cik ayu main hentam jek, pasal huruf R jek ada dlm ready stock huruf cik ayu ;)
p/s: will post pics of all ainey's cookies later!
edible image: to kakak hajar, the best sister in the world!
ini cookies yg di'order' oleh sharifah beberapa minggu yg lalu; 30 pcs cookies sbg hantaran utk pihak lelaki. theme colour: colourful! agak susah jugak cik ayu pikir nak pilih kaler ape.. at last,cik ayu pilih kaler mcm kat bawah ni.
dan ini hasil akhir nya..
simple yet nice =)
butterfly with lovey daisies
p/s: thanks jugak pd 'the delivery man' ~ my beloved hubby =)
hopefully ina and her fiancee plus his family pon suka jugak ya!
swirl of cream cheese + oreo frosting, sprinkle of oreo dust and small piece of oreo on top.
si merah
si putih
thanks ina for the order!ok.. ini plak mini cakes utk fida.. she ordered 6 pcs. fida nak roses on her mini cakes. tp cik ayu tak jumpa purple roses, puas cik ayu cari.. so cik ayu tanya fida, is it ok kalau cik ayu guna white roses then cik ayu highlight ngan kaler purple.. and she agreed!
dan ini lah hasilnya..
zoom in.. =)
ini cookies utk majlis pertunangan fida. theme colour: purple. fida order 40pcs cookies dgn fondant deco sbg hantaran. cik ayu puas la memikir nak buat design camne lg.. at last, ini lah hasil nya!
my 'must have' design.. =)
lovey daisy..
whimsy swirl with lovey daisy
thanks fida for the order. semoga majlis fida berseri2 dan diberkatiNya. =)
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