Sunday, May 15, 2011

choc lave cake: who can resist a warm and runny chocolate dessert?

Posted by cik ayu at 9:34 PM
first time cik ayu makan chocolate lava cake nih kat secret recpe.. sooo chocolaty!! masa tu cik ayu rasa cake ni mesti mcm susah jek nak buat, since tengah dia runny.. mcm lava la kan..
but since it is so delicious, gagah la cik ayu meng'gugel' resipi nye.. and at last i found the one that's easy...

ini hasil nya..

just out from the oven..
cik ayu lupa nak grease pudding cup ngan letak baking sheet at the bottom.. so susah nak keluarkan cake nya, terpaksa cik ayu pakai pisau. tu pasal la dia nye side tak brape nak cun... huhu.. i don't have ice cream to top the cake.. lupa nak beli... =( the runny choc is the recipe i followed:

Dark Chocolate Molten Lava Cakes

5 - 6 ounces dark chocolate
(cik ayu guna milk choc sbb takde dark choc dlm stok kat rumah ni..)
6 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup sugar (since milk choc tu dah manis so cik ayu just guna 1/8 cup sugar saje..)
2 eggs
1/2 cup flour
Optional: Whipped or ice cream

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F ( i set at 180 deg C). Lightly grease four 4-ounce custard cups.
2. In double boiler, melt chocolate and butter. Stir in sugar.
3. In a small bowl, lighly beat eggs. Add some chocolate mixture to eggs to temper eggs.

4. Carefully, stir egg mixture into chocolate mixture.
5. Add flour and combine completely.

6. Add batter to custard cups.

7. Place on baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes. Centers should be soft but sides should be done.
8. Invert cups on individual serving plates. Remove cups after 2 minutes. Serve warm with whipped or ice cream.

Selamat Mencuba!

p/s: cik ayu rasa kalau cik ayu ada pudding cup yg tinggi sket lg cantik cake nih.. =)

2 comments on "choc lave cake: who can resist a warm and runny chocolate dessert?"

mummyseri on May 16, 2011 at 1:46 PM said...

Cik ayu, dah selamat di makan edible image yg kite order awal mei tu..tq tau..

x penah makan n buat kek ni, mcm best tgk..bole cube bile2 :)

cik ayu on May 17, 2011 at 5:42 PM said...

mummyseri: laaa... ayu baru pasan kak seri ngan mummyseri ni org yg sama.. dah guna ek edible imagenye.. sorry la atas kekurangan.. next buy ayu bg 50% discount ok! hehe.. cari kat blog kak seri takde pon gambar kek nye...


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