after a long thought, i finally came to this decision.. (isk..isk..isk.. sedih..)
p/s: dear reader, do hang around as usual and watch for CupcakesChek 'come back'. it won't be long, InsyaAllah =)
after a long thought, i finally came to this decision.. (isk..isk..isk.. sedih..)
p/s: dear reader, do hang around as usual and watch for CupcakesChek 'come back'. it won't be long, InsyaAllah =)
sangat happy bila jannah peluk dan cakap "terima kasih mama buat kek birthday to you jannah!!"..
dan ini muka budak yg happy giler dpt birthday cake =)cantik kan? hehe.. (ni kire masuk bakul angkat sendiri ke?) this is actually a request from a customer, baiti nama nya.. bile tgk contoh picture yg baiti kasi, cik ayu rasa cam cik ayu blh buat.. tp tu la, tak berani nak commit dulu, i have to make the sample first.. dan setelah berbulan2 (since bulan puasa request nye nih.. hehe) at last! malam ni terlaksana.. harap baiti suka, dan terima kasih kerana sgt sabar menunggu ya! =)
ini order dr sis nurul huda.. memula nurul nak mini cakes, tp last minute tukar nak cookies plak.. seb baik cik ayu blom buat lg mini cakes nye ya.. =)
theme: pink and baby blue.. sgt la commel skali colour combination nya.. cik ayu pon geram!! =)
order ni dr syazwani.. utk hantaran nya.. syazwani nak cookies bentuk heart. theme: soft yellow and soft pink..i've tried my best on these cookies. really glad to receive syazwani's sms saying that she hearts them soo much =) buat cik ayu senyummm..
ini order dr rosy.. memula rosy nak cookies bentuk heart.. tetiba bile tgk cookies iman yg gambar bola itu, rosy terus mintak tukar... nak bola gak.. huhu..
thanks for the order ya rosy!
satu hari jannah balik dari taska dan nyanyi lagu ini..
(sila telengkan kepala anda utk view yg lebih baik.. huhu)
satu jari
satu jari
Allah beri
tunjuk sini
tunjuk sana
p/s: sila abaikan muka jannah yg comot tuh... standard pakai bedak lepas mandi..huhu..
ini order dr shima utk majlis perkahwinannya. theme: pink and purple. memula kite tengok cookies nya dulu ya.. 3 designs as she requested.
1st design - whimsy swirl heart with 3 mini roses
4th design
dan ini pula cupcakes shima..
25 pcs blueberry cuppies
p/s: next order from fana will be in march 2011 =)
and guess what! jannah dpt nombor satu ok..!! hehehe.. (tak sia2 mama ngan ayah sampai ke kl sewa costume tu..huhu)
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